Journal of Joy

Sarah Amijo

Book Cover: Journal of Joy
Part of the Sarah Amijo series:
  • Journal of Joy
Editions:Hardcover (English) - Cetakan Pertama
Size: 12.00 x 16.50 cm
Pages: 152

Step into a whimsical world where joy embraces life’s trials. This book will uncover your inner power to radiate joy, even in the face of challenges. From sipping warm peppermint tea to unleashing a mountain-top scream, let these magical moments ignite the spark of joy within.

This book reminds us that joy is a choice, a guiding light in our darkest hours. Share its wisdom with loved ones and together, let’s paint the world with contagious joy. Choose joy and watch your heart take flight!

Publisher: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Imprint: Pop
Cover Artists: