Giving Off Smoke

Pat Walsh

Book Cover: Giving Off Smoke
Part of the Pat Walsh series:
  • Giving Off Smoke
Editions:Paperback (English) - Cetakan Pertama
Size: 20.00 x 13.50 cm
Pages: 211

This random, often playful, collection of some 100 bits and pieces has been assembled in many places over many years and in the cracks between major undertakings.

It is up to the reader (hopefully reading out loud) to sample them and decide if they point to anything and what that is.
Ultimately, pieces like these are private, personal, even idiosyncratic, sometimes little more than doodling or diary entries. So, the reader might draw a blank.

The author hopes, however, that at least here and there, his smoke points to fire. And helps kind readers fill in their cracks.

Publisher: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Cover Artists: