National Education for The Ethnic Chinese Indonesian

National Education for The Ethnic Chinese Indonesian

Book Cover: National Education for The Ethnic Chinese Indonesian
Part of the Sardjono Sigit series:
Editions:Paperback (English) - Cetakan Pertama
Size: 14.00 x 21.00 cm
Pages: 307

In the context of nation-building, namely the realization of the unity and Indonesian nation as a whole and intact, educational integration or assimilation is a very important issue.

This book outlines the main problems of educational assimilation in broad outline, starting from the reasons why this problem arises to what obstacles need to be taken into account in its implementation, both caused by formal administrative conditions and psycho-social causes that have been unfolding in the past. before the perpetrators and executors.

National Education for The Ethnic Chinese Indonesian was written by Sardjono Sigit while working as Secretary of the Assistant Team for the Implementation of Assimilation in the Education Sector and Foreign Education Regulations in Indonesia in 1978-1983.

Publisher: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Cover Artists: